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My Montly Expenses

Monthly Spendings


My future house is located at 2782 Woodlyn Rd, Pasadena, California. It will cost $975,000 with a down payment $195,000 and a 30 year mortgage, it will cost $4,615 a month.



My car is a 2020 Civic Sedan LX CVT. It will cost $20,650 with a 5 year financing it will cost $387.25 a month. My wife's car is 2020 Camry L. It will cost $25,380 with 5-year financing it will cost $444 a month. With gas in both cars, I will spend $315.26 a month. In total, I will spend $1,146.51 a month.


Cell Phone, Internet & Cable

The cell phone company I choose was verison. It has unlimited text, talk, and data. I cost $35 per line. Since there are only two adults we only need to plans. To have cable and internet it will cost me $150 a month. A total of $220 per month.


Student Debt Loans

Since I went to college and got a postgraduate degree it will cost me $400 a month for student loans.



Out of my monthly income, I will save about 10% which is $940.55. Out of my wife's monthly income, she will also save about %10 of it which is $873.61. In total, we will save $1,814.16



I have a family of four which will cost $225 a week or about $1000 a month.


Child Daycare

Since I have an infant it will cost $972 a month and a four-year-old it will cost me $636 a month. In total it will cost me $1,608 a month for child daycare.



Electricity costs $300 per month. I will spend $1000 on miscellaneous/entertainment throughout the month. In total, I will spend $1300.
